rFLA 100
This course explores identity & memory through the visual journal, a mixed media fusion of writing and imagery. Journaling is a unique pathway to a lifelong habit of self-reflection, a practice that can help us make meaning of our lives. Students will write from memories and experiences, create imagery from their writing, and hopefully discover more about themselves in the process. Experiments with mixed media techniques and writing exercises will be shared throughout the semester during group discussions. The images on this page were all created by Rollins College students since 2014. Scroll down for a list of resources, supplies and examples of erasure poetry, a technique we use often in our class.
Never Flinch: A Visual Journal by Rachel Simmons
Video tutorials on developing a visual journal practice
List of writing prompts and additional tools for self-reflection
Basic supply list to start your visual journal
(click here to see larger images)
Recommended Reading LIST
What It Is by Lynda Barry
Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
The Crossroads of Should and Must by Elle Luna
Zen Buddhism by D.T. Suzuki
In My Bones by Orly Avineri
Water Paper Paint by Heather Smith Jones
1,000 Artist Journal Pages by Dawn DeVries Sokol
The Journey is the Destination: The Journals of Dan Eldin by Dan and Kathy Eldin
Some books I recommend reading as you start a visual journal practice.