Vidhu Aggarwal and I are sharing recent work and leading a creative workshop this Thursday, August 10th from 6-8 pm at the Frost Art Museum in Miami. This event is part of Tertulia Nights and is free and open to the public! We hope you can join us for a fun evening of book art, reading and wor(l) building exercises through creative ideation and hand lettering. We’ll have all the cool pens and markers for participants to try as they work on visualizing words and phrases.
Handout for the workshop
Wor(l)dbuilding: A Creative Community Workshop with Vidhu Aggarwal and Rachel Simmons.
In this interactive creative workshop, we’ll explore ways to invent, visualize and speak new words. Lead by poet Vidhu Aggarwal and visual artist Rachel Simmons, this activity encourages participants to investigate how ideas become words, words form images, and images build communities. After reading and sharing our work, we will work together to invent new words and visualize how they might appear on signs, menus, and posters in our imaginary community.
#worldbuilding #poetry #creativewriting #bookartists #bookart #writers #communitybuilding #frostmuseumofart #publicreading #handlettering #textasimage